Behrooze Sirang Software Engineer A software engineer with a focus on robotics and embedded systems.

Github Workflows With Docker and Bazel Caching

I recently configured Github Actions for continuous integration on a couple of my projects with good results. One such project is called trellis, which I’ll discuss in a future post. With Github Actions you can define a workflow for continuous integration, which can run on ephemeral build agents (think something like AWS lambdas).


The workflow I created is defined in a yaml file that lives in .github/workflows/main.yaml, which is picked up by Github automatically.


Inside the yaml file the triggers are defined. In my case, I want to trigger the workflow on both pull requests and updates to master.

       - master
       - master


Workflows are composed of jobs. Jobs can run concurrently, but the steps within jobs run sequentially. In my case I have one job that builds all targets, runs all testable targets, and runs my various linters.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Bazel build everything
      - name: Checkout step
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2


As mentioned above, jobs are composed of steps. Steps are defined via actions. Actions can come from publicly available repositories such as the checkout action above, which comes from the official site. You can also define custom actions that live in your repository, which I’ll go over later.

Docker Image Build (With Caching)

For my project I have a Dockerfile which defines a build & runtime environment for for my code. I didn’t want to necessarily host the Docker image in a repository somewhere, so I decided to see how I could get the image to be built as part of the job. This Dockerfile serves to provide a consistent environment in which to run the CI checks against my project.

The following three actions came to the rescue:

- name: Set up Docker Buildx
  uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Cache Docker layers
  uses: actions/cache@v2
    path: /tmp/.buildx-cache
    key: $-buildx-$
    restore-keys: |
- name: docker buildx
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
    context: ./docker
    push: false
    load: true
    tags: agtonomy/trellis-runtime:latest
    cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache
    cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache-new

The first action, docker/setup-buildx-action, is used to set up buildx, which is a Docker plugin that uses BuildKit.

The next action, actions/cache, is used to configure disk volumes that persist from build to build using a keying mechanism. This is what enables our image layers to be cached.

The last action, docker/build-push-action allows us to actually build the image using Buildx. We set push to false because we don’t actually want to push the image to a registry. We set load to true, because we do want to export the resultant image for user with Docker. The context key tells the action where to find the Dockerfile in the repository.

There is an additional step needed at the end to keep the cache from growing indefinitely, and that is to remove the old cache and move the output to the original location:

- name: Move cache
  run: |
    rm -rf /tmp/.buildx-cache
    mv /tmp/.buildx-cache-new /tmp/.buildx-cache

Special thanks to this blog post for guidance!

Custom Actions

With the Docker image built, I now want to develop custom actions to be run within the Docker image.

To do this I create an action.yml file for each of my custom actions:

$ find .github/actions/ -iname action.yml

As the directory names suggest, these actions are for running the Bazel build and running a few linters (clang-format, shellcheck, and buildifer). All of these tools were placed in the Docker image that was already built earlier.

Here’s what the clang-format action looks like:

name: 'clang-format check'
description: 'C++ source code format linter'
  using: 'docker'
  image: 'agtonomy/trellis-runtime:latest'
    - run_clang_format

It’s basically saying – invoke docker run on the image agtonomy/trellis-runtime:latest and pass in run_clang_format as an argument. run_clang_format is actually a bash script that simply invokes clang-format on the source files in the repository. As part of docker run this action actually passes a lot of environment variables as well as several volume mounts to the Docker environment. This is how the source code that was checked out becomes visible within the Docker environment.

Here’s the full command from an actual build:

/usr/bin/docker run --name agtonomytrellisruntimelatest_9376a9 --label e1cc51 \
--workdir /github/workspace --rm -e HOME -e GITHUB_JOB -e GITHUB_REF \
-v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" \
-v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home":"/github/home" \
-v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow":"/github/workflow" \
-v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands":"/github/file_commands" \
-v "/home/runner/work/trellis/trellis":"/github/workspace" \
agtonomy/trellis-runtime:latest  "run_clang_format"

Note the volume mounts. I exploit the workspace volume mount for the Bazel cache, which I’ll get into below.

Bazel Build With Cache (Within Docker Container)

In order to provide a persistent volume mount for the Bazel cache, I had to specify another cache action. This time I used this path for the cache path: /home/runner/work/trellis/trellis/.cache/bazel. If you noticed this Docker volume mount above -v "/home/runner/work/trellis/trellis":"/github/workspace", this means inside the Docker environment the Bazel cache will live at /github/workspace/.cache/bazel.

Basically, I piggy-backed off of an existing volume mount to expose the cache that lives on the host system from inside the Docker container.

In my custom action for running Bazel, I directed the disk and repository caches to the persistent volume using these flags:

bazel test --repository_cache="$BAZEL_CACHE_DIR/repository" --disk_cache="$BAZEL_CACHE_DIR/disk" ...

After doing this I was almost there, but there was one last snag. The post cache Github step, which archives the cache for future runs, was failing on permission denied errors. It dawned on me that this is happening because the Bazel cache, which is being written to from inside the Docker container, is owned by root.

To work around this, I added a small hack to change ownership after the bazel command above completed.

chown -R 1001:1001 "$BAZEL_CACHE_DIR"

I call this a hack because the UID/GID of 1001 is hardcoded here. I found this by trial and error knowing that UIDs tend to start from 1000 and are sequential. This is the user ID that Github’s ubuntu-latest VM is using to invoke the workflow. Ideally these UID/GID would be parameterized so it isn’t hardcoded. Given this is not likely to change, I was okay with the slight hack.

What about Bazel’s remote cache feature?

Bazel does support a remote cache natively, which can be hosted on a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, for example. Even if you plan on using a remote cache, you can get major wins by using Github’s cache action to host your Bazel cache. This is because the throughput/latency bottleneck of accessing your remote cache from within Github’s cloud infrastructure will take significantly longer.


With a small set of yaml files in your repository, it’s possible to have Github run ephemeral workers to run any of your arbitrary CI tasks with cache disk volumes in between runs all with 0% effort in maintaining the cloud resources or attempting to integrate another CI provider.

In my case the cached Docker build takes almost exactly 1 minute to complete, half of which was due to loading the image to Docker after it was built.

The cached Bazel build takes about 24 seconds to complete, all of which was the overhead of extracting the cache and analyzing it.

With Docker and Bazel build caches, you can have CI builds on relatively large codebases that take just a couple minutes. This is a big win!

The source referenced in this post can be found here:

Experimenting with ChibiOS and Bazel with bazel-embedded



I recently started looking into ChibiOS as a viable open-source RTOS for a new STM32F4 microcontroller project. I had used FreeRTOS somewhat extensively on Cortex-M4 devices, and I was curious to try something new. The biggest draw towards ChibiOS for me was the well-defined HAL that’s included. Not just that but it ships with an STM32F4 implementation of the HAL. The STM32F4 version appeared to be the primary supported implementation also. At a glance, the OS design, documentation, and APIs all seemed clean. The HAL and the real-time kernel are actually two separate projects entirely (ChibiOS/HAL and ChibiOS/RT). I’ve written “RTOS-aware” microcontroller peripheral drivers plenty of times in the past, and the prospect of skipping that altogether sounded very appealing.

ChibiOS has a matrix of licensing options, including commercial licenses, which I found to be reasonably priced. Including free for low volumes. See more details here.


In parallel, I had been wanting to use Bazel as a build system for my firmware projects. Bazel is a powerful build system that prides itself on hermeticity, which is a fancy way of saying that 100% reproducible builds can be guaranteed across developer machines, and over time. While that sounds simple enough, it’s something that’s been very difficult to guarantee with traditional build systems such as make et. al. It’s why many developers get in a habit of running make clean often because they don’t trust their build system after being bitten a few times. Hermetic builds unlock the power of remote caching, which can yield huge performance gains. Hermetic builds also guarantee that developers are building and testing the exact same artifacts as the official CI builds.

When I first familiarized myself with Bazel, I shied away from the idea of using Bazel for a microcontroller firmware project. This was primarily because I couldn’t risk hitting a dead-end after burning a lot of time trying to get something to work given that it isn’t Bazel’s primary use case. For example, I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to integrate the required platform-specific toolchain or how to feed in a custom linker script to the cc_binary rule.

The next time around I decided to investigate it again. That’s when I came across bazel-embedded. This project provided everything I needed to make something work, so I decided to give it a shot.

The Experiment

I ended up with a WORKSPACE file like so:

workspace(name = "chibios-bazel")

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")

    name = "bazel_embedded",
    commit = "14d51da3c1de4c7b8b7ce78e87e4f25d9802bee4",
    remote = "",
    shallow_since = "1616471159 +0800"

load("@bazel_embedded//:bazel_embedded_deps.bzl", "bazel_embedded_deps")


load("@bazel_embedded//platforms:execution_platforms.bzl", "register_platforms")




load("@bazel_embedded//toolchains/gcc_arm_none_eabi:gcc_arm_none_toolchain.bzl", "register_gcc_arm_none_toolchain")


load("@bazel_embedded//tools/openocd:openocd_repository.bzl", "openocd_deps")


Next I needed to make an attempt at “Bazel-ifying” ChibiOS. One way to do that is to write a BUILD file that lives in my repository and then tell Bazel to fetch a version of ChibiOS to apply the build file to with the http_archive rule. I used version 20.3.3. I ended up adding this to my WORKSPACE:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "chibios",
    url = "",
    sha256 = "e6e5cafa5a74346e20ad5fc735d424a073856a0ecb6d32f4a81a477e501c15e7",
    build_file = "@//example:chibios.BUILD",
    strip_prefix = "ChibiOS-ver20.3.3",

The magic here lives in the chibios.BUILD file. This developed somewhat painstakingly by studying the ChibiOS code structure and then throwing in some trail-and-error on top. This build file specifies all the source files I needed for my project. There’s a chance it’s missing something you need, so if you get an undefined reference linker error for a ChibiOS component chances are you need to tweak the sources in the build file.

Check out the skeleton project here.